Get Involved with the Tidewater Hokies!
If you are an alumnus/alumna that loves Virginia Tech and would like to keep the Hokie spirit alive in the Chesapeake, Portsmouth, Norfolk, and Virginia Beach, Virginia areas we hope that you will consider getting involved. If you’d like to volunteer with the Chapter or learn more about getting involved, E-mail us at
The below position(s) are currently open:
The chapter president will serve as the chapter’s primary point of contact for alumni, students, parents of students, friends of the University, University Advancement, and the Alumni Association. They are responsible for leading all aspects of the chapter’s activities.
Tasks & Duties:
- Preside over all meetings, including regular meetings of the executive committee
- Serve as the primary Alumni Association representative within the community
- Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees (if applicable)
- Submit annual chapter plan on or before July 1st each year
- Keep in regular contact with VTAA chapter liaison about plans and other chapter information and issues
- Review outstanding chapter awards checklist monthly to ensure compliance
- Help recruit and cultivate alumni leaders and volunteers in your area
- Encourage support of Virginia Tech through time, talent, and treasure
- Disseminate Advancement messages to chapter officers and members as needed.
- Encourage and thank volunteers!
- Train and prepare President-Elect for the office of President
- Perform other duties with the chapter as needed.
Time Commitment:
Dependent on chapter need; Approximately 10-20 hours per month.
If you are interested, please email Robyn Walters, Tidewater Hokies President at